GROSS: Well I don’t think so. And it’s a mystery to us. He simply said that he wasn’t the man to take the company forward. And he constantly repeated that without explaining it. He didn’t really say that he didn’t have the qualifications. Obviously he did. He didn’t really...
Closed JacksonGarietyopened this issueNov 10, 2013· 43 comments hshoffclosed this ascompletedNov 12, 2013 sarahhodnementioned this issueNov 13, 2013 goatslackermentioned this issueApr 2, 2015 Sign up for freeto join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account?Sign in to comment ...
Since then, Bossi and BTRG have opened up three more Italian restaurants. Pizza isn’t necessarily the focus of any of them, but it’s on the menu at each restaurant. It’s Neapolitan-stye, too—Bossi did go on to get certified by the AVPN. Bossi is a member of the World Pizza Ch...
I think that it is a male/female thing overall. As a male nurse, I did not experience this syndrome. Nurses lack the ability to be confident about their decision and feel a put down makes them smart. What is smart is to build peers and show how being catty isn’t necessary to get ...
Prior to those events, i had been a calm and easy going person who could field most stresses with ease. Now I am ridden with anxiety attacks although working with a natropath, I am slowly recovering. I did not do Radiation or chemo and only 6 months of the prescribed 5+ year meds ...
Crossout is a vehicular combat MMO where you craft outlandish cars and drive them into battle alongside other players. Set to a Mad-Max-stye backdrop of a post-apocalyptic wasteland, there’s an emphasis on deep customization, skillful driving, and aiming. Crossout contains a variety of co...