Why Did God Create the Universe? Why Are We Here on Earth?In this essay, I will discuss why God created the Universe, why we are here on Earth, and why "Fine Tuning" is not required for proving the existence of God.Himangsu S. Pal...
This Lucifer led his angels (one-third of all the angels — and it is possible that it was the same third that populated the earth under Lucifer) into sin — transgression of the laws of God's government. God had wisely chosen to make angels, and later humans, free moral agents — wi...
Why do aggressive wasps always bother people? This article explores the problem and how to avoid it. Are humans the root of the problem? Read on to find out.
Why Did God Create Everything? Allah says in His Quran He did not create all of this for any foolish purpose. Allah Says: And I did not Create the jinn and humans except they should worship Me. [Noble Quran 51:56] He created us for the purpose of worshiping Him, Alone and without ...
The reason for this btw is not the completely unnecessary nerf to the spec, but that they did it secretly and also rotation-breaking. So I was able to play and enjoy my main the one day and one day after my rotation is completely gone, As a relatively new player this was a big ...
FAQ: Why did God create such a big universe, if all that matters is right here on earth? Here is a partial list of the fine-tuned elements of the universe that contribute to the possibility of life on earth: The mass density and expansion rate of the universe, the average size and di...
See also: Carl Sagan on the topic (a must watch), Hitchens, Hawking – Did God Create the Universe? (a must watch), BBC Horizon – What happened before the big bang?, BBC Nothing (a must watch) and ‘A Universe From Nothing’ by Lawrence Krauss (a must watch). “Some would ask,...
Miller contrasts Jordan's life story with her own struggles growing up. How she felt beaten down by her father's take on life: "There is no point. There is no God [...] There is no afterlife. No destiny. No plan [...] These are all things people dream up to comfort themselves ...
God used beautiful mathematics in creating the world. — Paul Dirac 72 Man created God in his own image. — Ludwig Feuerbach 41 Beauty is the gift of God — Aristotle 11 On the 8th day, God created Mankind. Why was he having such a bad day? Why did he create all of you normal...
When I was born, my mother gave me a name — Christopher. It means Christ-bearer. God gave me a name, too. It’s a bit different and came later in my life. This “true name” he calls me is Love Giver and Teacher. When God gave me my name, like he did with people in the ...