Come and join me for 'Great Moments in Dog Science RESCHEDULE: Presenting a jam-packed hour of amazin Contact Karl Follow Dr Karl on Twitter, as he seems to answer questions quite often especially when he needs some Avoidance Behaviour, such as when Deadlines approach Call into Triple J (...
Ask Sean and Karl questionsabout your optimization goals and get their feedback on how to improve your results and methodologies. If you want learn how the pros use Qualaroo for maximum return on their optimization efforts, then be sure to register for this webinar. Whether you use Qualaroo to...
→Second, the Dobbs backlash:It was clear that a backlash hit right afterRoefell, but it wasn’t clear if that would last til the midterms. It did. Americans didn’t wantRoeto fall:57% were unhappy about its repeal, while only 41% supported the change. In Pennsylvania and Michigan, D...
*The world’s oldest man is apparently a 111-old Brit named John Alfred Tinniswood. And of course when you reach that age, they always ask you for the secret of your longevity. And the answer is always something like “Do what I did.” Sohere are Tinniswood’s secret sto longevity:...
I emigrated to Australia twenty five years ago and was horrified to find them the footwear of choice for the majority, certainly for at least six months of the year. The only thing worse was the amount of people who walk around with no footwear at all! Nauseatingly a large number of ...
Recently she started a citizen Geiger counter movement in Hawaii so that citizens could conduct air monitoring from their homes for radiation from depleted uranium blowing off of bombing and gunnery ranges all over Hawaii. This has quickly spread to Canada, the US, Australia, and Tasmania. This ...
Merkel is, to put it mildly, Washington’s and Israel’s whore! But I am afraid that unless the people of France and Germany – come to think of it, of my own country, Australia, too – rise up en masse and remove Jews by force NOTHING will change. Even if Le Pen becomes France...
Scottish actor Sean Connery is widely considered to have best portrayed the suave, dashing character of James Bond, appearing in seven of the 007 movies, beginning with "Dr. No" in 1962. But he won an Oscar in 1988 for his role in "The Untouchables." He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth...
We are now left with dredges at the bottom of the barrel.” Ron, you sound like Gail Tvarberg on a bad day. Very short sighted and the prospective of time of a teen age boy finding is manhood his first time. I’m with Fernando and think your premature gett’en your peak on ....