Afraid her attacker would come back for her, Donna did her best to hide the light of the phone. Then, just getting it to work became the next hurdle. Donna Ongsiako: My hands are covered in blood. My touch screen … I was trying to swipe and swipe. … I ended up having to … w...
Some polling has indicated that parents have come to depend on their child having a phone in hand. Still, most educators I spoke with say they’ve seen little or no pushback from parents when a new, more-restrictive policy has been implemented. Students use their cellphones as they leave ...
Is it okay to leave dog poop in your backyard? Well, for starters, that means the end of using your backyard for any activities.
Smithsonian explains, "This Christmas classic would be well-suited to being a chant or poem–it’s written in a poetic form called “cumulative verse,” where each patterned verse contributes to a longer
Today I want to discuss one of the most frequent questions I get:Why did I get more than 4 color clusters on my Leeds Method chart? (I’ll address the issue of gettinglessthan 4 clusters in a future post.) The Simple Answer
I love the parts when XY got jealous of Jin Yuan and Tang Bao, when he asked LE not to leave him anymore, when he proposed LE to marry him for the 2nd time and how he always called LE “Wo Ling-Er”. I watched these parts over and over again. Too bad that they could not be...
This is the question I get almost as much as “can I buy a vowel?” It’s “When you do the Final Spin, why do you never hit a Bankrupt or Lose a Turn out there?” The fact is, I did when I was doing it, but what’s the point of s...
Indeed, the JEWS put SO MUCH PRESSURE on Fox News that in their initial efforts to DEFEND Beck — the Jew-Hammer KEPT ON POUNDING — and GLENN BECK (just when he was dealing with the REAL ISSUES) Got FIRED. The JEWS Did IT! What a crying shame… If you like what I am doing BOTH...
he told them the story of several blind men who each encounter an elephant for the first time. Only feeling one part of this multi-faceted creature, each had a very different account. To anyone listening, they would think it impossible to believe that all the men were describing the same ...
You’ll be glad you did. Article Summary In the past 50 years hundreds of billions of dollars have been poured into cancer research. However all that research has failed to keep the incidence of cancer from continuing to increase. There is a very good explanation for why cancer research has...