Why did the Zimmermann Telegram turn many Americans against Germany? Why was it called the Zimmermann Telegram? Why did the United States break diplomatic relations with Germany in 1917? Why did Neville Chamberlain sign the Munich Pact? Why did Truman decide to use the atomic bomb?
hundreds. i'm really guilty of taking my lashes off at night and forgetting i did it, and then waking up and thinking there's a spider next to me. because when you take them off and stick them together, they look like a spider. and i've definitely scared the crap out of my boyfri...
Oh, that reminds me, you got a reincarnation of Nevill Chamberlain himself sitting in the Whitehouse now, that must make you two very happy. Also, I don’t think empty headed old bag ladies like yourselves have anything to teach Sarah Palin or Michele Bachman about the constitution either....
and a portion of the tablecloth hanging down. It was dark under there. I liked being under there. It must have been in Germany. I must have been between one and two years old. It was 1922. I felt good under the table. Nobody ...