That said, Crunchyoll doesn't have very many dub shows, anddoes not have a dub version of Bleach. If you primarily want to watch dub anime, Funimation is a better option, as they have lots and even dub a lot of the newest shows within just a few weeks of when they air in Japan....
Though many anime studios now animate by computer, the tradition of crafting and amply using a trademark facial design for multiple characters predates the technological possibility of mixing-and-matching hairstyles onto a basic "doll" head, and did not arise in the art form in order to make th...
Some of the best weapons in anime are the hero's living partners, as seen in Soul Eater, Naruto, Bleach, and Noragami. Sometimes, the best weapons an anime hero can have aren’t the most powerful: they’re the ones who can talk back. Sentient weapon partners take many different forms....