Why is Aristotle the father of political science? Why do most democracies have a representative government? What does Plato say about education? Why is compromise an important part of democracy? Why did Aristotle call politics the master science?
Of the 200-odd citations in the Basilikon Doron, three-quarters refer to the reader to Plato, Aristotle, and Cicero. Seneca, for some reason, made only 9 appearances. Cicero's De officiis and Aristotle's essay on politics were most often cited, each accounting for 23 references, and ...
laying out its position in more detail. It accused the project of being run not by Victoria University as agreed but by Phillips’s company Aristotle, of making too much money and of offering markets outside the scope of the agreement. (PredictIt takes a cut of profitable trades and withdra...
Morality is just really messy, and Aristotle pointed this out in Book 1 of Nicomachean Ethics. Morality is just very complex and difficult. What I usually do is I, there’s a kind of moralizing self-inventory. So the idea is not that you ask yourself these questions when you think ...
In the West,logic was established as a formal discipline byAristotle, who gave it a fundamental place inLove and logicphilosophy. His conception of syllogistic(三段论式的) logic remains a cornerstone of the studyThe story of aof logic even today. The study of logic was partof the classical ...
Why did Confucius create his philosophy? Why is the study of hermeneutics important? What did philosophy contribute to psychology? Why does epistemology matter? Why is humanism important to the Renaissance? Why did Aristotle write Metaphysics? How are philosophy and religion related? Why were Epicurea...
The AI moment raises anew Aristotle’s warning that a good life is impossible without a good polity. Some of the most fundamental decisions we need to make about AI, including those mentioned above, may be impossible while our politics is in such a woeful state. Some hope lies in the simp...
He says, if you read the work of the philosophers, Plato Aristotle sister on the like, and then you turn back and start reading the book of the Bible, you’re going to notice different things happening at the level of your heart. And this he claims makes it manifest that in the ...
Consider the ancient Greeks, who believed in a linear time conceived by Aristotle. Their development of concepts like reason and written history, Leonard Shlain argues in his book Art & Physics,“could have taken place only in a civilization that adhered to linear time.” ...
This is literally what Parmenides did, as will be seen below -- to talk about Being. More generally, "ontology" is the theory about what is real. It is often said to be the study of "Being qua Being," or of what Aristotle called the ὀντῶς ὄντα, ontôs ónta, ...