原因1:过往研究证明decoder-only泛化化性能更好Google有两篇著名的发表于ICML’22的论文,一个是《Examining Scaling and Transfer of Language Model Architectures for Machine Translation》,另一个是《What Language Model Architecture and Pretraining Objective Work Best for Zero-Shot Generalization?》,两篇论文...
其次,Decoder only结构比Encoder-Decoder结构更加简单,训练中Decoder only结构只需要一次前向传播,而Encoder-Decoder结构则需要两次前向传播。所以对比之下,自然计算效率更高。同时,推理过程中,Casual decoder-only支持一直复用KV-Cache,对多轮对话更友好,因为每个token的表示只和它之前的输入有关,而encoder-decoder和Prefix...
不过,具体来说,它们并不是单纯的Encoder-Only或Decoder-Only模型,而是采用了Encoder-Decoder架构。 像EB Turbo一样,这些模型都采用了Transformer的双塔架构,即Encoder和Decoder是两个独立的塔结构,通过自注意力机制和前馈神经网络进行交互。这种架构可以同时考虑输入序列和目标输出序列,从而更好地处理自然语言任务。 不过,...
Does the SPS/PPS of a video need to be separately transmitted to the decoder? What video stream formats are supported? How do I set the video preview resolution? How do I continuously obtain camera preview stream data? How do I implement the onPreviewFrame callback function for photo ...
Encoder-Decoder model: used by models like GPT-2, GPT-3, and CTRL (Conditional Transformer Language Model), where the encoder processes input and the decoder produce output. They are frequently employed for text summarisation, machine translation, and question-answering. Multilingual model: mBERT...
images and consists of an encoder-decoder structure, which can be jointly optimized to estimate the transmission map, atmospheric light, and also image dehazing simultaneously. Along with this, the atmospheric model is included in the architecture for better optimization of the overall learning process...
images and consists of an encoder-decoder structure, which can be jointly optimized to estimate the transmission map, atmospheric light, and also image dehazing simultaneously. Along with this, the atmospheric model is included in the architecture for better optimization of the overall learning process...
Also, the thing is that it is not about running the model. It is just about loading it into an InferenceSession: importonnxruntimeasortsession=ort.InferenceSession("decoder_model_merged.onnx",providers=["CUDAExecutionProvider"]) This one allocates 66419 MiB and will OOM if fewer GPU memory...
You need to have the correct Receive Delay defined in the Error Rate Calculation Block. The documentation page titled "Manipulating Delays" in the "Modeling Communication Systems" section of the Communication Systems Toolbox documentation contains useful ...
of code. This is because the Layer-Condensed KV Cache requires to modify the attention mechanism and training recipe of the transformer decoder. Currently, we only implemented the Layer-Condensed KV Cache for thellamamodel, and it is possible to extend it to other models with similar structures...