Students need to be prepared for their futures – be competitive in a world that will look entirely different in 20 years. Cursive writing won’t feature much in that world – it will be considered more of a historical artfact, like we look at calligraphy today. This is the age of iPad...
Social media is a very real and ongoing aspect of our everyday lives: It no longer makes sense that, in 2014, several states still teach cursive writing when many students can text much faster on their smart devices. We need to be educating students on applicable skills for the world that...
guidance councilors and other adults. It is important for kids to be taught respect for adults, but it is also import for adults who are parents or work with kids to remember how much their own attitude affect the kids they are in contact with every day. If their teachers and the other...
The primary schools that teach handwriting spend only just over an hour a week, according to Zaner-Bloser Inc., one of the nation's largest handwriting-curriculum publishers. Cursive is not generally taught after the third grade (my penmanship class was in the 7th grade; maybe it's just coi...