Have you recently checked your credit and noticed your credit score dropped? If so, you may be wondering what happened. According to the Federal Trade Commission, your credit score is an important number that lenders use to determine whether to approve you for credit. A drop in your credit ...
There are several reasons why an issuer may have decreased your credit limit. Learn how you may be able to increase your limit and whether your credit score is affected.
Credit Cards The welcome bonus is the top reason why people shop for new credit cards—here are 3 not to miss JD Power's new study finds people say the reason they shop for a new credit card is to get a better rewards program and collect a welcome bonus. ...
I've got a 844 credit score and have aseven-figure net worth. Even still, I've had rough times getting a great mortgage due to income and employment duration issues. If your credit score, credit report, and employment record aren't perfect, expect to go through the wringer. I shared...
For that to happen, we need to know how satisfied they are and what we can do to make them love us. That’s exactly what Net Promoter Score has been created for. Ask your customers how likely they are to recommend you and what are the reasons for their answers. Sometimes, even a ...
Contact your bank immediately if your account is frozen to find out what your bank's freeze rules might be, what steps need to be taken, and to make sure there hasn't been a mistake. Ignoring a frozen bank account can worsen the problem, causing drops in your credit score and a build...
if one partner has better credit than the other, their history and habit of meeting payments on time can help the other partner's score. There's also the option of the partner with the better score opening accounts that both will use, though this may not work as well for mortgage applica...
5. No personalized customer service 93% of shoppers say they will buy again from a brand that has enabled a positive customer service experience for them. How to fix decreased conversion rates through customer service personalization: ✔ Feature a sticky personalized “help you choose” button—...
If the actor is currently idle it can respond with the score straight away and our code continues no different from if we had used a class or a struct. But the actor might also have multiple other messages waiting in its inbox that it needs to deal with first, so ourscorereque...
In our analysis, “good drivers” had no moving violations on record; a “good driving” discount was included for this profile. Our “good” and “poor” credit rates are based on credit score approximations and do not account for proprietary scoring criteria used by insurance providers. These...