He went on to say that “If we Catholics believed all of the untruths and lies which were said against the Church, we would probably hate the Church a thousand times more than they do.” Sadly, many well-meaning Christians in this country still think of our Church not as the one ...
Why do Catholics pray to Mary? Prayer to Mary ismemory of the great mysteries of our faith (Incarnation, Redemption through Christ in the rosary), praise to God for the wonderful things he has done in and through one of his creatures (Hail Mary) and intercession (second half of the Hail...
This is part of the rosary. Catholics had been praying in the glorious mysteries about the assumption and the coronation of Mary in the fourth and fifth glorious mystery the entire time the rosary’s been around. This is not something new to the 20th century as we’re going to see ...
Is it OK to pray to Old Testament heroes the same way we pray to Christian saints? qa At Mass, Why Do We Pray in the Third Person? qa May We Have Eucharistic Exposition While We Pray the Rosary? qa Why First Cause (God) vs. Infinite Series of Causes? qa Why Do Catholics Bow and...
Why do Catholics pray to Mother Mary? Is Rosary really powerful? The intercession of Mother Mary is very powerful as Jesus cannot neglect His mothers commands.This can be proved by the first miracle Jesus did at the wedding at Cana. – (John 2:1-11). Mother Mary told Jesus “They have...
Most Catholics outside of Colombia are completely unaware of its existence. To be honest, I had never heard of it either until a few years ago. I came across the story of this incredible image while doing research for this book titled “Champions of the Rosary: The History and Heroes of...
Catholics, and some were forthright in opposing them. The Catholic Church considered the troubadours to be dangerous sexual deviants. The teaching of the Church was that physical or emotional pleasure has no spiritual value, so sex is sinful, even within marriage, unless for the sole purpose of...
Paul VI, Address, Sept. 18, 1969: “…Moslems… along with us adore the one and merciful God, who on the last day will judge mankind.”[29] Moslems don’t worship the one true God, the Holy Trinity, together with Catholics, as we covered in the section on the heresies of Vatican...