I last tried to download Linux when MS stopped its support for XP one year ago – my modem server plus another refused to work or accept Linux then but your confidence in Mint 17 has encouraged me to have another go. Reply Jonathan March 17, 2015 at 9:37 am I could also make som...
I have recently switched from using an asus laptop to a macbook air. I had no problems getting Lightroom Classic on the asus but I cant seem to figure out how to get it on my macbook air laptop. When I go to the app store all I can seem to find in lightroom cloud. I ...
I have never, and will never sell my client’s secret sauce (or the whole composite work that I sold them the copyrights on), but many a “generic” plugin has been released to the community because I took the time to explain to my clients how the GPL works, why its a good idea,...
how you directly trim if you cant put a direct key for that, maybe you start with how you assign a direct key for that. If you search in edit, keyboard shortcuts and trim, there is nothing to assign, same for align. from where you read degree of rotation after you ...