Hank Campbell
But research shows that people withceliac diseaseorgluten sensitivityreact to zein in corn and corn products like cornstarch. Celiac disease is a condition that occurs when your immune system reacts negatively to gluten and your stomach can’t digest it. Zein causes a similar immune response and...
If this is you, consider getting tested for celiac disease, or better yet, simply decide to eliminate gluten from your diet! Constipation On the other hand, sinking poops can be a sign of chronic constipation. Constipation can occur when a person doesn’t have enough digestive motility (i...
Some people employ the windowpane test to evaluate gluten development. This involves spreading the dough between your fingers to test whether you can stretch the dough (gluten strands) thin enough to see through it without the dough tearing. ...
Teach your family how to make their own food. I know that this isn’t an option for some families with small kids, but there’s nothing more empowering than having them learn to cook their own meals. It can be a traumatic experience when you have a strong passion for not eating animals...
-High-fiber foods can cause some bloating and discomfort if you add too much too quickly. Keep track of your fiber and increase your intake by about five grams or less in a day, working up to the 14 grams/1000 calories consumed.
As many as two billion people, mostly women and children, may have deficiencies in key vitamins and minerals. But these deficiencies can markedly increase during pregnancy to meet energy and nutritional needs. (1)(2) Certain deficiencies could lead to serious issues. Some examples include: Vitamin...
This technique works basically like a first round of cooking, as the heat from the water renders some of the fat ahead of time, so that during the main cooking process there's less released from the chicken that can interfere with the crisping process. The skin will brown more quickly and...
Some people choose to use it in their actual skincare routines, blending flax oil with other natural oils like jojoba to nourish skin topically. 11. Flax is Gluten-Free While not everyone is noticeably sensitive to gluten, we do all react to its consumption, leaving our intestinal tract chron...
If you can’t find raw milk or are afraid of getting sick, I recommend buying regular A2 milk and making your own kefir. Doing so will at least put some of the beneficial bacteria that is lost during the pasteurization process back into the milk. ...