Did you know that it's possible to walk on water? In order to do this, it's important, however, to use contained or ''solid'' water and not ''liquid'' water. When it comes to liquids and solids, the tendency for the molecules to flow relates to what's holding them together....
Gases can be compressed much more than liquids or solids. a. because there are great distances between the particles of a gas, they can be pushed closer together and still remain a gas. b. the repulsive forces between the particles of a gas are very s...
ICSEC - Grade 07 - Chemistry - Matter and its Composition - Q09_2
View Solution Why is glass considered a supercooled liquid? View Solution Why is glass considered as a supercooled liquid ? View Solution Amorphous solids are classified as View Solution Amorphous solids can also be callled ……….. . View Solution CENGAGE...
O (g)
Water can exist as a solid (ice), liquid (water liquid), or gas (water vapor). The basic molecular formula for the water molecule is the same in each H2O. But, as the temperature of the system changes the hydrogen bonds between water molecules change drastically. ...
Because solids have particles that are more closely packed together and have stronger intermolecular forces, they generally have a higher density compared to liquids. Therefore, the density of solids is greater than that of liquids. Final Statement: In summary, solids are generally denser than liquid...
In addition, we discuss two mechanisms that are currently used for DNP experiments in insulating solids at high fields - the solid effect and thermal mixing/cross effect -- and the paramagnetic polarizing agents appropriate for each. These include a new class of biradicals that enable increased ...
Describe how and why gasses can be compressed much more than solids. Why does water have a higher boiling point than alcohol even though water is a smaller molecule? What distinguishes supercritical fluids from normal liquids? Why is this useful? Give a brief example to your answer. ...
Out of crystalline and amorphous solids, which can be cleaved easily ? View Solution Why are liquids and gases called fluids? View Solution Exams IIT JEE NEET UP Board Bihar Board CBSE Free Textbook Solutions KC Sinha Solutions for Maths ...