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ICSEC - Grade 07 - Chemistry - Matter and its Composition - Q09_2
Explore the properties of the three states of matter and how particles of matter move in solids, liquids, and gases. Related to this QuestionGases can be compressed much more than liquids or solids. a. because there are great distances between the particles...
Why are gasses, liquids, and plasmas(but not solids)referred to as fluids? They are all easy to compress. Because the atomic distances are so great, they cannot be confined to a container and simply "flow" away. The atoms are not att...
assuper cooled liquidwhich allows molecules in the material to continue to move but in very very less large time and as it does not form a crystalline structure , or we can say they have a tendency to flow like liquids that's why they are called as pseudo solids or supercooled liquids....
Water can exist as a solid (ice), liquid (water liquid), or gas (water vapor). The basic molecular formula for the water molecule is the same in each H2O. But, as the temperature of the system changes the hydrogen bonds between water molecules change drastically. ...
C. A kind of liquids thatmay come out when we do some drinking. D. A kind of solids thatmay come out when we do some drinking.Q2: Whyis it recommended to avoid close contact with anyone who has feverand cough? A. Because the newCoronavirus can spread through shaking ha...
In addition, we discuss two mechanisms that are currently used for DNP experiments in insulating solids at high fields - the solid effect and thermal mixing/cross effect -- and the paramagnetic polarizing agents appropriate for each. These include a new class of biradicals that enable increased ...