If you don’t want messages in your secret chats to hang around forever, Telegram lets you set self-destruct timers to permanently remove them. After a message is received, it remains in the chat for a predetermined period — you can choose times between one second and one week — before ...
In fact, you can use one of the best email services,Constant Contact, for free for two months using ourConstant Contact coupon. This free trial gives you enough time to set up and start collecting email addresses. By the time your trial ends, your email list will be paying for itself. ...
I have way more time to actually talk to clients and coach My quality of life is way better – I’m not as stressed, and I save enough time every month to do things I want to do like going to the gym, hanging out, starting new business, etc. If you aren’t automating, you’re...
The first method is to do it via the WordPress admin area. You can go to thePlugins » Editorpage. You will see a warning message, and you need to click on the ‘I understand’ button to continue. Alternatively, if you want a safer way to edit the files, then skip to...
written about credit cards and attended meetings about credit cards, all the while learning about the well-balanced rewards programs and the ins and outs of welcome bonuses and enhanced purchasing power that many cards offer.Each day, I can't help but ask myself: Why didn't I get a credit...
2. People expect to receive them. People expect a welcome email in their inbox to confirm signup or purchase. It’s pretty much second nature at this point in our digital lives. It can even be unsettling not to receive one and leave people wondering if a) they’ve given you the wrong...
One of the first people I met in the Moz SEO community was Greg Gifford, who agreed to meet me for lunch after I reached out to him via DM on Twitter. He mentioned MozCon, which at the time wasn’t on my radar. (As a bonus, he said if I attended, he’d introduce me to Ru...
Before anyone can start receiving your messages,you have to specify a set of conditions and put them into aworkflow. Think of it as a scenario—when a subscriber meets the conditions you’ve specified in the scenario (e.g., they’ve filled out your newsletter signup form), it triggers ...
I want to add popovers from the twitter bootstrap framework to a shiny app. Everything works fine, except that the html: true tag does not have an effect: shinyUI(pageWithSidebar( headerPanel("Header"), sidebarPanel( actionButton("btn-1", "Go!") ), mainPanel( tags$head...
than to remove it. To borrow a phrase from Pascal, “if I had had more time, I would have written a shorter rulebook,” and this applies just the same whether those rules are meant for computers or for people. The fewer parts there are, the less they can interact in surprising ways....