BUt thats all the good I Can Say about it. ThiS PlaCe has heaps Of POtential but is badIy run down. Cockroaches, mice, etc., damp rooms. No heating. KitChen is totalIy inadequate and dirty. ChineSe Iady OWneEs Very IoUd as are all her relatives. It has deteriorated Very badly a ...
What they do want is an opportunity and some help to learn and grow, so they can effectively compete on a world stage. This is probably the single strongest reason for my confidence in IBM's future. UÊUÊU As we enter a new era of technology, business and global society, I am ...
In Windows (you have this program even if you aren't a developer) go to the Start Menu and run "Charmap." Look around and you can see U+2019 is Right Single Quotation Mark. Note that it's WAY down in the list of all the characters. It's not a basic charact...