指向PRINT_FEATURE_OPTION元素数组 的 指针。 当 IPrintCoreHelper::WhyConstrained 返回时,数组包含约束 pszOptionKeyword 参数中指定的选项的选项的功能元素对列表。[out] pdwNumOptions指向变量的指针,该变量接收 ppFOConstraints 参数指向的数组中功能选项对的数目。
When exporting to pdf, the line break changes, the page break changes, text fields and photos move ...! Horrible. What can I do to keep the layout worked hard for in Word 1:1 in the pdf file? I lost hours trying to create a pdf ...
When a user of the OEM UI attempts to select an item that is constrained, the caller can use this method to display a message explaining why the item is constrained. When this method returns,pmszReasonListpoints to a list of one or more feature/option pairs that appear in the current dri...
I have a new computer with Windows 7 64 bit. It seemed that suddenly i developed this problem when trying to print a pdf file with Adobe X. Everything would look like it was going fine, but when the print download screen popped up, it would not download the pdf file and m...
But something happened a few months back. I’m not exactly sure what it was, but I can trace the steps. I made my maiden voyage to Ikea, a story in itself, and I bought a bookcase, which had a strange domesticating effect on what I still think of as my temporary lodging in a fri...
✅ Why can't I print? I can only save things as a pdf. There is no print option.:I have a Brother HL-L2370DW printer and when ever I try to print anything I am not given the option to print. I am only given the option to save as a...
I’m a PMI member (membership ID: XXXXXXX). I would like to print 1 copy of the PMBOK Guide for my own personal educational use. However, the printing on the downloaded PDF is disabled. PMI’s terms section 3.2 states that I can print a single copy of the PMI standards for personal...
Why can't I print double sided in Word? From Word,select File, Print... Under the Layout option, you'll see the Two-Sided dialog box. If it's Off, no duplex printing (duh). If it's Long-Edge binding, or Short-Edge binding, Duplex printing will be on. ...
Why can’t I print from my ipad Why can’t I print from my ipad?air doesn’t recognize it 4 years ago 332 1 Printing from my phone. I have been able to print for 8+ years never had a problem. Now I can’t print at all? 1 year ago 196 1 How do I print from my iP...
I have a library with two resistors in it, they both use the same footprint and they should have the same 3D model as well. Why can't I add the