Read and learn how much to tip Uber Eats drivers. Discover the guidelines, industry norms, and best practices when adding gratuity to your orders!
One of the biggest perks about delivering for Uber Eats is that you have the freedom to accept or decline any order offer that comes in. If you don’t like the estimated payout, the restaurant, the distance to the customer, or anything else about the order, you can skip it and wait ...
To reach customers, gain exposure and build a new channel for sales, restaurants that can't deliver food on their own are signing up with third-parties likeGrubHub(GRUB), Seamless, Uber Eats, Postmates and DoorDash. Americans want their food brought to them at home or the office, and rest...
透過Uber Eats 推動業務成長。加入超過 82 萬 5 千家餐廳、零售商店、生鮮雜貨店、花店、酒類專賣店等眾多商家,開始吸引更多顧客上門。
Why the CEO of Uber wants sharing rides to be ‘cool’ again If you have any ideas about how to make sharing Uber rides cool again, CEO Dara Khosrowshahi is all ears. It may seem trivial, but shared rides can help the company accomplish two of its more ambitious goals: to operate a ...