I can open and import the files in Adobe Bridge and in the Adobe Photo Importer, but I can't figure out why Lightroom can't see the files. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, and Happy New Year! --jag Views 1.2K Translate Translate Report Report Reply ...
I purchased Lightroom 6.0 and used it since about a year on my old computer with CR2 RAW files from my Canon 80D, but I bought a new computer and reinstalled all my software, and the Development section says that LR can't recognize my files. The program is u...
Towards the end of last year, ON1 released the latest version of its software. Its newest advancements are likely to attract even more people to it from...
Photoshop とLightroom の旧バージョンの Adobe Camera Raw プラグインをアップデートする場合、メーカーから発売される新型カメラに新しい独自の Raw 形式が採用されている点が課題となっています。また、新型カメラのリリースサイクルは従来よりもさらに短くなり、その種類も多くなっています...
Adobe assicura gratis la compatibilità con le versioni precedenti delle fotocamere in Photoshop Lightroom e Lightroom Classic tramite Adobe DNG Converter. Con questo strumento puoi convertire facilmente file raw specifici per una fotocamera supportata in un file raw DNG più universale. Perché ...
Lightroom created the JPEG, Lightroom placed it in the correct folder. PART B 8) In Lightroom, you select the new JPEG and it is not black and white PART C 9) Outside of Lightroom, in Finder (or File Explorer, what OS by the way) you open the new JP...
Lightroom applies the JPG algorithm to your photos, and I have never yet seen a case where LR (or any other software) improperly sizes your JPGs given the settings in the Export dialog box. Lastly, I don't think you can judge quality by the size of the...
I can't reproduce it, so I can't do it. I wonder what's special about those affected. Did they migrate PS preferences from previous version? That's always potentially risky, as any given setting or configuration may not have exactly the same meaning in...
I'm not really sure when you think you are doing. Lightroom CC and Lightroom 6 are the same program installed with the same installer, updated with the same update files. The difference comes with how you activate Lightroom. If you have paid a subscription fee...
Solved: I am running Lightroom Classic 8.3.1 and it did mention an update, but I can't upgrade to 9.x. I am running on MacOS Catalina 10.15.6 on a late 2013 - 11419256