Trading is an integral part of any social game, and Escape from Tarkov is no exception. There are always players who don’t like shooting, but like to play a significant role in the server economy. Be the player from whom you can buy rare and useful items, weapons, and ammo. If you ...
Fixing Escape From Tarkov Not Downloading: Check The Time One potential reason why your game isn’t downloading could be because of the time. If it’s past midnight, the servers may be down for maintenance. You can check the time by looking at the bottom right corner of your screen. If ...
LMAO i doubt that. maybe in offline raid. even SHROUD who have a 13900K 64GB ram, RTX 4090 can hold barely 100fps on streets ONLINE. stop talking BS that u getting OVER 140fps on that map. I'm not talking bs shroud does not play Tarkov at 1080p that's why he gets lower fra...
aat the FOOT OF THE STEPS to the portable cabin for Prapors task, I know GOD DAMN WELL that the player on the other side of that wall has MILES BETTER GEAR, just came from DORMS so probably is fully loaded anyway, and can't take any more loot, and shoots me regardless of whether ...
PostedJune 21, 2021 literally looks like its 1600p. ive seen other peoples screenshots and they look fine I run on 1920x1080p rtx 2060 intel 9700k 16g ram look at attached images for the screenshot and settings bushes legit look like they are made up of 12 pixels total and TAA, TAA ...
Moving forward what might benefit players like you or I is a progression that levels the field where thicc bois can’t come back down a tier in terms of player level, but that’s maybe a matchmaking conundrum for the devs, idk Either way dude stick with it, squad up with people, build...
I can't even play like... Ranked sort of games, i get too caught up in the competitive atmosphere and basically end up having a heart attack, needless to say it causes me to lose focus and miss a lot of shots which just makes matters worse ...
If i knew, i would win, than i´ll push everyone. If not, than I´ll stay in my position or switch to another one, until i get my shot. Or i run away, because i knew, i can´t win this fight. But if i push in every fight, than i´m just a lemming, who want´...
Soo.. I have been playing some Tarkov & I feel my scope should not look like this. It has a really thick black ring, can this be fixed? Here is the Gun build: EditedJune 9, 2019by BeefyBadgerr Added Gun Build BeefyBadgerr
Temperatures: High temperatures can cause instability. I should also say that 16gb of ram for tarkov is really scraping the bottom of the barrel. It on average uses 14.5gb, and most computers at idle use 2.5 - 3.5gb. I really would urge you all to slap another stick in there for ...