Why can’t Microsoft turn out decent patches for its sprawling .Net Framework? That’s what I — and about a million admins all over the world — want to know. Last month’s Black Tuesday .Net patches, MS11-039 and MS11-044, set new lows, even for Microsoft, even for .Net patches...
What they do want is an opportunity and some help to learn and grow, so they can effectively compete on a world stage. This is probably the single strongest reason for my confidence in IBM's future. UÊUÊU As we enter a new era of technology, business and global society, I am ...
Microsoft releases Win10 Creators Update—but proceed with caution Mar 28, 20174 mins feature 5 fatal flaws that dog the new Windows 10 Mar 14, 201717 mins feature Windows 10 install problems — and how to solve them Feb 16, 201710 mins ...