For example, if a lender reports a late payment that you actually made on time, it can negatively impact your credit score. According to, errors on your credit report (for example, new accounts you don't recognize) could also be a sign of fraud; that's why you should ...
Even if you don’t do this on an ongoing basis, it’s absolutely vital that you do this in months where you have big charges and do utilize most of your credit, since a very high credit utilization even for just one billing cycle can do some temporary damage to your credit score. A...
6. How do I close my credit card? It depends on the issuer, but you can usually cancel your credit card simply by calling the number on the back of the card. You may want to do this if you’ve just paid it off and don’t want the temptation, or the card charges an annual fee...
In your personal statement essays there are many approaches to use – you can talk about the curriculum, the facilities, the faculty, the location, and a host of other factors – but again – where is the “fit”? What are they looking for? This is a perspective overlooked by many ...
Building Bank Relationships: Your odds of getting a business line of credit or loan are better if you have a good relationship with your bank.Opening a business bank accountis the first step toward establishing this relationship. Can I use my personal bank account for my small business?
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