Humans cannot breathe underwater because the oxygen in water (H2O) is bound to hydrogen and not available in a form our lungs can absorb. Fish breathe dissolved oxygen gas (O2) in water using gills, which can extract the oxygen because they have a large surface area (fish also have lower...
57 I Can't by:华语音乐 132 Why Can't You Treat Me Right-Various Artists by:小众style 5070 Giraffes can't dance by:文脉童书馆 0 Can't Hurt Me by:典妈书房11 170 Why Can't You Be Here For Christmas-Various Artists by:小众style 445 Can't Get Right-MJay by:嘻哈有态度 100 Ray Can...
An African dwarf frog can hold its breath for four to seven hours. These frogs stay underwater, so they have to hold their breath underwater. They come to the water’s surface only for short intervals to breathe air. This is because they have lungs and not gills. The scientific name of...
Why Is the Sky Blue?/How Do Birds Fly?/How Do Fish Breathe Underwater?Ritterman, Lynda