纽约灾星/The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst 这纪录片我去年看到一半嫌节奏太慢没看完,今天又一口气重头刷完一遍。第三集转折最为精彩,一场精心设计的降维打击的谋杀,我还是挺赞同纽约时报的主编...
who was using his own sperm to fertilize the eggs of his patients in the 1980s. He was part of the “Quiverfull” cult and fathered a confirmed 94 children in his home area, but it’s estimated there could be over 200 half-siblings....
Topics discussed include Jarecki's six-part documentary series for the Home Box Office (HBO) television network called "The Jinx," how Jarecki gained interviews with suspected murderer Robert Durst for the series, and the impact of Jarecki's documentary film "Capturing the Friedmans" on the ...
Abbey Road was, confusingly, the penultimate Beatles album but the last to be recorded. It was alsosupposed to be called Everest, the cover to feature the Fab Four striding in the Nepalese foothills. They couldn't be bothered. Its cheapo stand-in — a zebra crossing, 10 seconds walks fro...
too much away, but the cat’s prowess is undeniable: Boris’s expression when Ben Affleck’s character eats ice cream from the carton feels like Oscar bait. Appropriately, Boris has attracted considerable attentiononlineand in the press–Voguemagazine called it the movie’s “emotional marker.”...
In his book The Lore of the Playground, British folklorist Steve Roud traces the practice to a 19th century children’s game called “Tiggy Touchwood,” a type of tag in which players were immune from being caught whenever they touched a piece of wood such as a door or a tree. “...
One of the mobs has this cool debuff bullet effect called “Hallucination” which turns everything on your screen into… well… see for yourself Got him to level 20, unlocked the class and the achievement, and also decided to kill him off. I can’t manage melee at present. I’m sure ...
KLASSY 1 (Rochester, NY) -- {It's on my black with tinted windows and chrome wheeled 97 Buick Rivera . I also own a bar called The Klassy Cat Tavern} KNTMARE (NJ, NJ) -- {97 Mustang Cobra "Supercharged"} KUTTINUP (NC) -- {I am a hairstylist and known to be a little reck...
Two things are true about finding a so-called franchise quarterback in the NFL Draft. Nearly all the good ones are picked in the first round. But even those chosen near the very top of the first round carry a less than 50-50 chance of turning out to be winners ...
As for one of his favorite voice talents in the film, Pratt called out Jackson, of course, as well as aTed Lassostar. "Hannah Waddinghamis awesome," he raved. "She can reallysing, sing. She's got an amazing voice and what she does is -- Jinx is the sort of the ...