Use the technique to become generally calmer. This is where you make box breathing part of your daily regimen in your morning routine. The idea is that practicing it when you’re not stressed will create calm in your body and help prevent anxiety and stress from occurring later on. ...
Look for healthier alternatives when you have those cravings instead. Stress: Being stressed can affect your body’s ability to stay alert and refreshed. This can also negatively impact how much you sleep at night. Headaches: Fatigue can trigger headaches and migraines in some people. In a ...
but this isn’t always the case. You might consult with your dermatologist or doctor if your rash frequently recurs or is otherwise difficult to live with. You should alsosee your doctor right away ifyour hives cover most of your body, if you have open or blistering sores, sw...
Shaking in dogs can come in many forms, from little shivers to full-body convulsions. There’s a lot of overlap between some of the types of shaking. Shivering usually consists of full-body, small contractions of muscles that can make it look like your dog is vibrating. Tremoring can look...
, or even a trip to the vet. this is due to the body's stress response. although it's not known exactly why dogs shed when they're stressed, it's suspected to be due to epinephrine (aka adrenaline), which is the primary stress hormone in the body. skin parasites if your dog is ...
This cycle can be tough to break, especially if your itch is really bad. Different Itches Not all itches are alike. Many happen when your body reacts to pollen, nuts, and other allergens -- your immune system makes a chemical called histamine. Others come from a problem with your nervous...
14. "From the moment I learned about Flytographer I've been itching for an opportunity to use it. When we decided to go on a road trip to Nashville for my graduation and our 4-year anniversary, I jumped at the chance! We booked a sunrise shoot and the beautiful sky and empty stree...
One of the least pleasant aspects of cat ownership is dealing with the litter box. It’s bad enough that you have to scoop out and clean your cat’s bathroom, but when they roll around in it, play in it, and spread litter everywhere, it’s even worse. Why do cats roll in their ...
If you have multiple cats or dogs and cats, you’re likely to have seen this ear position when your cat wantstheirown space. Unfortunately, dogs can’t always read the signs because they have different body language and don’t always recognize the subtleties of cat emotions—until it’s to...
Read What’s the Best Order to Apply Your Skincare Routine for tips on when best to apply your exfoliation products. It’s not just your face that can benefit from exfoliation - your body can too. Try Cetaphil Smoothing Relief Body Wash, which contains lactic acid and biodegradable micro ex...