why be happy when you could be normal? “可以正常的话,你为什么要快乐呢?”这不是个疑问句,但珍妮特温特森显然把它当成疑问句来回答,答案就是这本书的正文。在多年前珍妮特离开家时养母温特森太太曾这么问,珍妮特没有写自己当时的回答是什么,显然温特森太太也不需要回答,这显然是一句反问,表达的意思是“可以正...
📖《我要快乐,不必正常》📖英文原版:Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal? 作者: [英] 珍妮特·温特森 偶然机会看到了作者的一句话:“我发现,理智的做法只有在做很小的决定时才有效。至于改变人生的事情,...
> 我来写笔记 > Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal? 作者: Winterson, Jeanette isbn: 009955609X 书名: Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal? 页数: 240© 2005-2025 douban.com, all rights reserved 北京豆网科技有限公司 关于豆瓣 · 在豆瓣工作 · 联系我们 · 法律声明 · 帮助中心 ·...
这本书挺有意思,英文原版的书名是Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal?直观翻译就是,为什么要快乐当你可以正常的时候,那么按逻辑说就是正常更重要,快乐不重要。而中译版的书名却恰恰相反,译为《我要快乐,不必正常》。 我的理解是英文原版的书名是作者故意制造了一个反讽的效果。这部作品是英国当代著名作家珍...
一切都会好起来的everything will be OK 照章办事by the book 一分钱一分货you get what you pay for 床头柜night table 钱儿叮当响chaching 不要瞧不起我Don't think less of me 恕我直言with all due respect 你真与众不同you're extraordinary 我支持你I've got your back 新年快乐happy New Year 杀...
书名: Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal ? 作者: Jeanette Winterson About I lived at home for 16 years , and my father wasn ' t working shifts at the factory , he was at the church . Mother was awake all night and depressed all day . I went to school , went to church , ra...
Burkenman explains that companies can have happy employees by creating a right kind of environment in which people have meaning in their work. He mentions that he is not fond of setting goals since the over-pursuit of goals, such as setting them too rigidly, is detrimental. Burkenman also...
though what she once was faced with in her childhood was just distorted care and endless coldness, both of which prickle her all her life. She recalls her adoptive mother in such a heart-broken way, who once asked Winterson the question...
Why be happy when you could be normal? 看到书皮上这句话时,我正在英法之间一个隐匿的免税小岛上(它甚至有自己的纸币),想到了Yayoi Kusama。 一生中饱受原生家庭和精神错乱之苦,但Yayoi Kusama从不向命运屈服、去选择一个“正常”的人生。在看到她和路易威登的最新合作系列时,我相信她有从中收获快乐。