Hyping the harms of e-cigarettes or banning the types of flavours that may broaden their appeal could seriously undermine their potential as tools to help people stop smoking. “As long as smokers believe that vaping is as dangerous or more dangerous than smoking, many of them are ...
YouTube vape reviewer and product designer Tony B has accused manufacturer VOOPOO of deceptive business practices. The allegation stems from the collaboratio...
CBD and no-nicotine vapes are marking their territory in the vast expanse of vaping options. Ranging from local health stores to online vendors, accessing these products has never been easier. Their discreet form factor and user-friendly design also offer an edge over bulkier, more c...
Although cigarette smoking has declined considerably since its heyday, the timeliness of its lessons for vaping remains undiminished. Americans today are still subjected to marketing for a variety of hazardous products, among which e-cigarettesare but one of the latest. So long as there is money ...
University of Pittsburgh scientists developed a vaping robot that mimics human breathing and can predict lung toxicity related to e-cigarettes. Credit: Nate Langer, UPMC and Pitt Health Sciences To turn young people away from vaping and curb preventable deaths, the U.S. Food and Drug Administratio...
"The availability of flavors could be related to the enjoyment factor of e-cigarettes, especially among young people," Saddleson explained. In addition, 77 percent of the survey participants who had vaped within the past month reported using e-cigarettes because they are less toxic thantobacco ci...
Are "aaah" memories calling your name? January 2022 "Did mommy love smoking more than me?" Salvaging your resolution to stop smoking or vaping How did most ex-smokers quit smoking? December 2021 New Year's Never Take Another Puff 3rd edition is now available. ...
(蒸气) that the user takes in.That is why using e-cigarettes is often called "vaping". Because e-cigarettes don't burn tobacco,people don't take in the same amount of tar (焦油) and carbon monoxide(CO) as they would with a regular cigarette.But anyone using e-ciga...
There is growing evidence of the potential harms of vaping. E-liquids used for e-cigarettes contain a wide range of harmful substances, and the clinical consequences of this are now being increasingly demonstrated, such as the rise in cases of e-cigarette- or vaping-as...
information on the relative harm of these devices (compared to combustible tobacco products), but to ensure that they are able to be used in a wider range of settings than those within which smoking can currently occur and that the vaping experience more closely resembles the smoking experience....