Why More Violent Young Offenders? (CT Feature)The car radio crackled the story unfolding in Littleton, Colo., as I drove away from the...Embry, Dennis D
He then turned around and said, “Banks are evil anyway.”I wanted to punch that guy in the face.Just because he lived in anon-recourse statedoesn't mean he should just walk away and screw everyone else in the process. Maybe America will be at risk of being a nation of renters, ...
for Young Offenders Why We Need a More Humane System of Criminal Justice for Young OffendersWhy We Need a More Humane System of Criminal Justice for Young OffendersGloomy weather: gloomier news. Murders in Zimbabwe vie for the headlines with a murder trial in......
“No member of the Brown community would want or expect to be treated in the manner some of our members experienced on Friday, and it was troubling to read in media reports the express intent of some organizers to provoke discomfort that ultimately targeted individuals,” Carey wrote. “Discipl...
Dark metal structures conduct the most heat and are the worst offenders. But plastic equipment can get hot, too. Be sure to check slides, merry-go-rounds and other structures before subjecting your kids to potential non-sun-related burns. The same precautions you observe as an adult also ...
With admission to prison (the authors subsume under the term prison both prisons and jails) inmates are provided with individual disease prevention measures and treatment by the respective established medical health service. Medical care is organized quite differently throughout the world, depending on ...
As the country called up its young men to fight, it realized that up to one-third of them were unfit for service due to malnutrition (compare this to today, when 20% of Americans are unfit for service due to obesity). This was the first time that the welfare of the country's kids ...
make a statement about who they are, and showing the wrong ads can irrevocably damage their own reputation. As Warren Buffett is reputed to have said, “It takes twenty years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things different...
may be long gone to his reward, but Calvinism and its so-called “biblical” teachings still exist. Before you prepare to laugh at Calvinism and its adherents and tell yourself, “I’m not Calvinist,” you may find yourself surprised at the fact that many modern-day Christians are Calvinis...
Men have biological clocks. They want to be young enough to teach their sons to fish and play ball, and to do the male-bonding thing. Men who look at marriage as a financial arrangement in which women have the most to gain are not likely to marry-nor are they good prospects. Run.....