Fraley, R. Chris, and Amanda M. Vicary. "Captured by True Crime: Why Are Women Drawn to Tales of Rape, Murder, and Serial Killers?" Social Psychological and Personality Science 1.1 (2010): 81-86. Web.Sage Publications. "Captured by true crime: Why ...
Those creators also all seem to be young, predominantly women and queer people, and are shockingly comfortable sharing the sometimes extremely kinky or taboo content they consume — or, at the very least, comfortable sharing their reactions to graphic scenes and romantic fiction tropes. This side ...
The duped masses are all but inured to the shock and horror of violence upon fellow humans. In this dark time, it shall be legal to commit great harm against men, women and children that the ruling princes of the earth detest. It is thus in different parts of the world today (Gaza)...
And I keep saying this because of the danger of getting so deeply invested in human interpretations and conclusions drawn from what’s written that we start judging others’ faith and arrogantly call them heretics and exclude them and further divide the body unified by His Spirit. And I know...
Another psychologist explained that it can even be a sign of previous trauma. "I think it might be likely that people who have a history of trauma might be drawn to true crime to kind of re-experience those traumatic situations in a safe environment where they have more control," Dr. Eli...
The god character of the Bible is a misogynistic tyrant that condones and even orders the practice of slavery, rape of women and murder of children. The moment you disagree with a single instruction of the Bible, such as the command to kill any bride who is not a virgin or any child wh...
Southerners became The Enemy to the anti-anti-Semites. Behind every segregationist in Mississippi and Georgia lurked a budding Nazi—-a hick out of Deliverance—just waiting to come after the Jews. The analogy was drawn over and over again. Of course this comparison was utterly absurd, as th...
not loyalty. If the state has only fear to offer, then, if the pillars of the dictatorship crumble or are brought low, it is non-state identities that fill the subsequent void. And in a state configured by long-standing legal borders, however artificially drawn they may have been, the tr...
or program out there that will create the change we need and protect victims during that change. We are the system. We are the program. We have to be the change and we, all of us, men and women both, have to stand between when it happens and provide the protection. For as long as...
"I don't think the American people are watching and thinking any of these people won," Watters said. "This was rough. This was pretty intense at times. She started off shaky and regained her footing. But I thought she was going to come out with some of these memorab...