but through males as well. Fathers, uncles and big brothers -- as well as aunts and grandmas and family friends -- will prefer infants who are as cute as they themselves were. "The two traits spread through the entire population." ...
Beyond this knowledge, though, scientists are still stumped as to what exact part of the axolotl’s genome is responsible for the regeneration. Hopefully, in the future, the mystery will be solved, as the ability to regrow limbs and tissue will be incredibly valuable for medical research on h...
Why do frogs suddenly start croaking? The Short Answer: Frogs and toadsonly call when they are breeding. The calls are basically advertisements to females to come closer and to males to stay away. ... Come and eat me.” So basically, frogs use their calls to get mates and then they sh...
If you are thinking about taking up boxing, take a good hard look first at your nose, and then at these pictures.
I saw moving clouds, glowing sunsets, varicolored streaks of lightning, rainbow goddesses, sacred mountains, horned toads, and images like desert mirages—all dancing before my eyes. “Colorful blankets are often the chosen gift,” Parrish continues. “We welcome our children with a handma...
A fine fat toad we saw along the trail (at least I think it’s a toad; the difference between toads and frogs always eludes me). Perhaps a reader can identify it. And finally, I posed on the restored prairie to show how tall the grass was. Imagine this kind of vegetation, intersper...
As soon as we both got to the screen door, the toads flew away. The toads flew away. What’s that you say? Toads don’t fly? You are correct, my friend,but bats do. Bat. It was a bat. IT. WAS. A. BAT. THERE WAS A MOTHER EFFING BAT IN MY UMBRELLA!!!