These days, there are so many great animated shows and movies aimed at all ages that plenty of folks still turn to cartoons as a respite from the real world. Animation is a modern art form: It can be a commentary on society and a way of understanding the world, giving viewers the oppo...
Are there two Ymir's? There are9 Ymir Titans in theanime Attack On Titan. ... Created by Hajime Isayama, Attack on Titan has been called one of the best animes ever created. Who is the smallest Titan? YMIR(TITAN FORM) When it comes to Titans, size isn't everything. Ymir is the ...
Endo is quick to warn thatthe seriesshould not be categorized as purely a comedy. There are hilarious elements and running gags present in the series, such as Anya's obsession with peanuts, antics with the family pet, Bond, outings with the Forger family to places like the aquarium, and Y...
First off, the structure of the film is very foreign to many viewers. The Japanese discourse is quite different, so it may feel disjointed. There is a different rhyme and rhythm to it. The director is a very odd guy, and his movie's hallmark are long stretches of dialogue punctuated wit...
Image sharing websites like imgur and tumblr explode with cosplay photos, and it has made its way so dominantly into pop culture that “cosplay” has even been trending on twitter a few times over the last few months. But despite its intense saturation, there are still many people who are...