Why is Trauma Missing from Syria Refugee Debate?Ramzy Baroud
There are an estimated 11-12 million refugees in the world today. This is a dramatic increase since the mid-1970s when there were less than 3 million refugees worldwide. However, it is a decrease since 1992, when the refugee population was nearly 18 million high due to the Balkan conflict...
The possible Syrian recapture of Idlib would also mean that areas under control of the Turkish-backed rebels in the northern countryside of Aleppo would be the next. Such areas are important to Turkey to ensure no expanding influence for the Syrian Kurds in northern Syria near the Turkish border...
over the past 30 years, has let in hundreds of thousands ofpeople fleeing conflictin former Soviet Republics, Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Many victims of resignation syndrome have been children from the former, including Slavs andRoma Gypsies. There have also been cases of refu...
In the last year, many Lebanese schools have opened a second shift so that Syrian children can enroll in the evenings. As a result, more Syrian refugees have access to education in Lebanon than before. But there are still significant barriers. Many families are uncomfortable with their kids ...
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in a Changing Europe, said there has been a “sustained shift towards more positive attitudes towards migration” since Brexit. As for asylum-seekers, he said Britons want the country to be “relatively generous towards genuine refugees. But how that is defined is highly contested.” __...
But a shift in public opinion on refugees, including rising populist rhetoric against them, prompted Erdogan to take steps towards reconciliation with the Assad regime in Syria. Turkey's political opposition has vowed to facilitate the return of refugees to Syria if it comes to power, but it ha...
In recent years, Germany has also become a safe haven for around2 million refugeesand asylees. This open-arms policy has increased the country’s diversity as a whole, withover 200,000 peoplebecoming naturalized citizens. 4. International student-friendly policies ...
Its operations are spread across the occupied West Bank – including East Jerusalem – and the Gaza Strip, as well as Syria, Lebanon and Jordan. [ ‘No alternative to Unrwa’: UN chief calls on Israel not to ban and criminalise Palestinian aidOpens in new window ]...