long hours of night duty works the same way, and so does a good part of the digital image compression technology that we are using right now, and also the compression/encoding of cellular phone signals works the same way. Wait, itwasn't chameleons; it was the frogs. My bad. @@ ...
Birds including the Emperor Penguin and the Little Owl and amphibians such as Rose’s rain frog or the Imitator Salamander - none of which are now threatened - were among those at risk as temperatures rose. The study focused on birds, amphibians - which include frogs, newts and salamanders ...
Oh, I hope that I see you again I never even caught your name As you looked through my window pane ~ So I'm writing this message today I'm thinking that you'll have a way Of hearing the notes in my tune ~ Where are you going? Where have you been? I can imagine other worlds ...
And note that although Trump supports the opposition, which we should all be doing, the “progressive” Democrats are either silent or tell us to leave the socialist dictatorship alone. In this case Trump is on the right side, but don’t take that as my endorsement of Trump. Here’s a ...
as much as his patheticness has become a meme, Wes as a character doesn't contribute anything to the team that another character could do better. He's also not very interesting as a challenge character, as all his downsides are just Wilson, but slower. I woul...
It has also been suggestedthat, like bees bringing back information about food sources to the hive, canids covered in stinky stuff are informing their pack members of something important, or at least interesting. Pat Goodman of Wolf Park once experimented by placing different scents in the wolf ...
When i get bitten, some of my mosquito bites are small, then some are bigger. Why is this? Does the size of the bite vary because of the amount of blood taken out? Anyway please answer this! thanks! Also, Anon17565, i don't think it's a good idea to break open up a mosquito ...
The Frogs Asking for a King THE FROGS, grieved at having no established Ruler, sentambassadors to Jupiter entreating for a King. Perceiving theirsimplicity, he cast down a huge log into the lake. The Frogs were terrified at the splash occasioned by its fall and hid themselves in the depths...
DAP should also be reminded that the Chinese are still mad and furious over the MOU signed with the racist government, which saw opposition Pakatan Harapan voted to pass the Budget 2022. Despite a monstrous RM332.1 billion budget, the budget haddiscriminatorya...
Dancing Frogs Neckerworld AI Computer Vision Game Nobody for President None of the Aboveshould be a valid choice on VOTER BALLOTS Patchworks Films PPRS Pacific Packet Radio Society Historic 1st U.S. Wireless Digital Communication Rainbow Puddle ...