In the greeting for German "Ein frohes Fest!" why is the last f capitalized but the first is not? Why is Michigan called the Great Lakes state? Why is 2-4 dinitrophenol and all other compounds with something like '2-4' in front named as such? Define or describe the follo...
All nouns in German-language content have been capitalized. In contrast, capitalization is applied to only proper nouns in English-language content. The « and » symbols have been used for quotation marks in French-language content. Such usage differs from the “” quotation marks used for ...
i wonder why english has capital letters? as a non native english speaker, i could not understand the logic behind it. it also increases key strokes on typewriters, computers, and makes it difficult for non natives. i am sure that if puritans of english would be mild, it could be reduced...
would be considered two different words. why is case-sensitivity important in programming? in programming, case-sensitivity can affect how variables, functions, and other elements of code are interpreted by the system. if you use the wrong case when referencing a variable or function, for example...
1 capitalized :a department or office of state in medieval England charged with the collection and management of the royal revenue and judicial determination of all revenue causes. Who was the longest serving chancellor of the exchequer? Perhaps as a result, Tony Blair chose to keep him in the...
I will provide some details about the two people involved in a conflict, and it will be your job to come up with suggestions on how they can work through the issues that are separating them. This could include advice on communication techniques or different strategies for improving their ...
capitalization, but it's changed significantly over time within the English language, and today, for example, the rules in English and German are distinctly different," Overholt said. (In German all nouns, not just proper ones, are capitalized, so that "nature" becomes "Natur," for example....
but the three things that were really unprecedented in my lifetime were first the amount of debt creation and debt monetization. In other words, the printing of money to buy government debt is unprecedented. The finances are unprecedented. And as a financial person who watched his economics, I...
pH is the negative log of hydrogen ion concentration in a water-based solution. ... pH is an abbreviation for "power of hydrogen" where "p" is short for the German word for power, potenz and H is the element symbol for hydrogen. The H is capitalized because it is standard to capitali...
Led by the incomparable Till Lindemann, these gothically theatrical German humorists are industrial metal’s shining beacon of highly salacious – yet immensely endearing and prosperous – satire and sexuality. Virtually every aspect of their artistry infuriates prudish outsiders while enamoring devotees...