The Adam's apple: it's neither an apple nor is it possessed exclusively by people named Adam. We'll talk about why that is, plus another linguistic conundrum: how did 'physician' become a word for 'doctor' while 'physicist' stayed in the realm of matter
Why So Judgy? What’s the deal with our tendency to give ourselves the benefit of the doubt while not doing the same for others? Firstly, it’s hard to see things clearly when we don’t have all the information. We only see a sliver of the world around us. When someone else screws...
This means that you accept and respect someone else’s feelings and version of themselves in a non-judgy way. It also means that you care about someone else, in a way that is not possessive. These traits are things that are important for a therapist to have. I don’t want to thi...
Perhaps “judgmental” is too strong of a word, but I have noticed a certain “instant” labeling of people that could be considered judgmental. For example, a few weeks ago at the hair salon I became aware in my mind of labeling each woman who came in. Just tiny little characterizations...
But others are more open to interpretation: Splitting infinitives (to boldly gois a famous one). Ending a sentence with a preposition. Using “they” as a singular pronoun. And the serial/Oxford comma. Grammarians are thought of as judgy, humorless souls. ...
Here’s how judgy people function: They’re highly mammoth-controlled and become good friends with and date other judgy people who are also highly mammoth-controlled. One of the primary activities they do together is talk shit about whoever’s not with them—maybe they feel some jealousy, and...
One thing I will promise y’all ahead of time is there really is only one way to find all the typos. Publish your book. Seriously. Before I became aprofessionalauthor, I was super judgy about typos. Now? If I get through a book and there are only a handful of oopses? Tha...
I feel exactly the same way but haven’t seen it so eloquently explained. We host a monthly plant-based group at our home and most of the people who come aren’t vegan, some aren’t even plant-based but they are curious, several are interested in paleo or Maker’s Diet. I think an...
Would an acquaintance sit down next to another and say, “I think it’s just terrible that you let your child sleep in your bed.” Or, “You know what the problem is with this country? Single moms/immigrants/people who aren’t exactly like me.” I don’t think so. Andyet, when ...
They may be right. It might be all in my head, a place in which I have the kind of speaking voice that would makeWill and Grace’s Jack McFarland cock a judgy eyebrow and whisper out of the side of his mouth, “Well isn’thea bit much…” But god, admirably adhering to his ins...