Depending on how many quarks are in a hadron, you can get hadrons that aren’t protons and neutrons, like mesons and pions. That’s a totally different discussion that we’re not having today, though. Basically, quarks and their variations make hadrons. Why Do Quarks Come in Flavors? Be...
Why are there six flavors of leptons and quarks? Why does atmospheric pressure decrease more rapidly than linearly with altitude? In a LPG gas cylinder the pressure of the gases coming out remains the same until it is empty. How? Why does a gas become hotter when compressed by a piston in...
These particles are produced in various processes, including nuclear fusion in the sun, radioactive decay in nuclear reactors and Earth’s crust, and experiments inparticle accelerators. As they move, neutrinos can switch between three types, or “flavors,” in a process that continues to intrigue...
Why are there no doubly charged mesons? What does it mean that the neutral pion is a mixture of quarks? What is the Higgs boson and why is it important? Explain why nuclei that contain more than 82 protons are radioactive. Why don't atoms collapse if they are mostly empty...
Many results from lattice QCD of broad importance to particle and nuclear physics are obtained with 2+1 flavors of staggered sea quarks. In the continuum limit, staggered fermions yield four species, called tastes. To reduce the number of tastes to one (per flavor), the simulation employs the...
The process creates special arrangements of quarks, the most elementary particles of observable matter. With the aid of magnets, these arrangements, called pions and kaons, funnel into a 635-foot-long particle “decay” pipe. Here, they break down to create neutrinos that then travel in a ...
In case you were wondering where the name comes from,Aurora is the Roman goddess of the dawn.Depending on where you are, the aurora is either called the aurora borealis or the aurora australis, for the northern and southern lights respectively. “Borealis” is taken from theGreek god Boreas...
hadronspectroscopyundertheinfluence ofinstanton-quarkeffectiveinteractionsisdiscussed. EmphasesareontheH dibaryon,spin-orbitsplittingsofP-wavebaryonsandbaryon-baryoninteractions andspectrumofthepentaquarks. 1.Introduction Strangenessnuclearphysicshasreachedanewera,whichrequireseleva- tionofphenomenologicalanalysesof...