Of course, the vast majority of police officers will have been appalled by such behaviour. But it is also extremely unlikely that these are the only groups of officers writing messages like this in their WhatsApp groups. And while there are 43 separate police forces across England and Wales, ...
in fact, a child. A baby is not just an item that you should be able to throw away.Pro-choicers also use the term “mother” for pregnant women, when they are advocating for “life of the mother” or“health of the mother” exceptions...
Parents are rarely allowed by their lawyers to call their own “experts” and if they represent themselves they cannot afford to. Most legal aid lawyers are widely known as “professional losers” because they collect large fees for simply advising parents to give up the fight. They almost ...
The police are an extension of this blatant disregard for The Constitution. They take their cues local government, who in turn are guided by state government, etc. When UFO researchers are branded as terrorists, when people can be held without trial or charge for years, when torture is an a...
Clarence, a client of mine, should have never been prosecuted for a felony drug offense. He is a 54 year old African-American man who has always lived in Baltimore. He has a tight knit family and several part-time jobs. He also suffers from mental health problems and a drug addiction ...
Pelvic exams on asymptomatic women are not based on evidence. If he contests that, he has to contest his own professional governing body (ACOG) and he is a snake oil peddler, not a doctor. Both your mother and the doctor would be prosecuted in most parts of Europe, if it is any ...
The members of this alternative culture, who were called "hippies" by outsiders but rarely used that term themselves, were held together by a strong sense of community. To distinguish ourselves from the crew cuts and polyester suits of that era's business executives, we wore long hair, ...