Polar easterlies are dry, cold prevailing winds that blow from the east. They emanate fromthe polar highs, areas of high pressure around the North and South Poles. Polar easterlies flow to low-pressure areas in sub-polar regions. Why are the polar easterlies important? Cold air subsides at...
Why was the ice age important? Why are surface currents important? Why is the climate system important? Why does the polar jet stream cause rain? Why are clouds important to the water cycle? Why can't polar bodies be fertilized? Why are convection currents important?
Why is hydrogen important in our bodies? Why is it important that ice is less dense than water in biology? Why is the water table important? Why is the water cycle important? Why are chemical elements important? Why is water such a good solvent?
Whale sharks have streamlined bodies, flattened heads, large gills and a wide mouth near the front of the snout. Their skin ranges between gray and brown and features white spots and pale stripes in checkerboard-like pattern. Their stomachs are white. Their two dorsal fins are located near the...
Scientists often call parasites the “dark matter” of the animal world: They’re unseen but incredibly important. They’re also wildly diverse. Parasites can have segmented bodies, hard outer shells, many tiny legs, suckers, hooks, antennae, bristles or flagella; or they can be ...
Why are carbon dioxide and water vapor called selective absorbers? The ozone layer is a thin layer that prevents us from direct sunlight. Explain how it works and why it is important. Why aren't polar ice caps and mountains considered biomes?
C. an important part in animal bodies D. a special type of molecule that can stop hair grow 3. The third paragraph of the passage is mainly about ___. A. how the hairless skin forms B. who found the hairless skin C. why hairy areas are important D. what the scientists are doing...
Chapter 2/ Lesson 3 193K Learn about covalent bonds. Understand the definition of covalent bonds and how they are formed. Explore their types and discover examples of covalent molecules. Explore our homework questions and answers library Search ...
Why is ATP important to cells? How do the paths of oxygen and water across the alveoli cell membrane differ? Humans are aerobic organisms. Explain why we should be concerned about being infected by an anaerobic organism. Why are polar molecules not able to pass through the cell membrane?
Which is more biologically important: carbohydrates, proteins, or lipids? Why? How are lipids broken down to produce ATP? Why are carbohydrates considered less polar than lipids? A. Because carbohydrates have stronger intermolecular forces than lipids B. Because lipids have more -OH groups than...