When it comes to soft drink containers there are several LCA studies there too and they all agree that plastic containers made of HDPE or PET are the greenest recyclable choice. Steel, aluminium and glass are all far worse for the environment as they take far more energy, generate far more...
So I do the best with the options I have. The plastic that does end up here at home not suitable for repurposing is recycled along with other recyclable materials. But I fully realize thatrecycling is only the last resort,not a solution. So there are a few simple ways I’m able to r...
It happens almost every time you go to the grocery store: You arrive home with plastic bags in hand and are greeted happily by your feline friend. You unpack everything, and while putting your groceries away, you hear that unmistakable sound of plastic being squished and flattened. Yes, you...
A new lawsuit claims the public has been mislead about recycling. Here's what you need to know.
I don’t really understand why the title is „……. vegan“ but the first sentence includes vegetarian. They are worlds apart. Veganism is about the animals, not just a diet. Avoiding wool and leather has nothing to do with our health. A statistic on failed vegans would be fantastic....
Paper and plastic bags are recyclable. Nonetheless, the overwhelming majority of them end up in the landfill. Still others simply become litter. In these circumstances, plastic bags are particularly harmful. They clog drain pipes and sewers. ...
While consumers may notice shrinkflation at the grocery store, it has a very small impact on the overall inflation picture they face, the Bureau of Labor Statisticssaid in 2023 article. Shrinkflation is rarer than politicians are depicting and not as influential on consumers' lives, argues eco...
So,what are soft plastics? Some popular examples of soft plastics are carrier bags, grocery bags and shopping bags, as well as some food packing products such as cling film, pouches and plastic seals. Advertisement There are some restrictions around recycling these types of waste products, howeve...
Despite being highly recyclable, only 20% of paper bags end up being recycled, while the rest share a fate with their plastic brethren. In landfills, paper bags create more than twice as much atmospheric waste as plastic ones do, so they’re not necessarily a better choice for the environme...
A collection of companies, including several Antea Group clients and members of BIER, are coming together to develop new plastic bottle solutions that are 100% recyclable (even the caps!). Additionally, Every Bottle Back invests in infrastructure upgrades, promotes education in communities,...