Twenty-five years after the breakup of the Soviet Union, they crave the stability that the nationalist president represents.
As racial tensions escalate, campuses are seeing a surge in enrollment and a new brand of African-American activism.
A similar explanation is given for all the people stockpiling guns and ammunition as the pandemic arrived, despite their ineffectiveness against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, and their high cost. But it provides some feeling of control. TP hoarders are eliminating one very low-probability risk wit...
shy Beth, and romantic Amy are four “little women” in the March family. These four “little women” grow up in new England during the Civil War with their wise and patient mother while their father is off to war. What are their lives like?
The dispute over interpretive method is more than a good faith argument among people recognizing multiple legitimate traditions. Conservatives, especially originalists and textualists, have been trying to sell the myth that only their means of interpretation are legitimate. When judges go beyond original...
Because we are talking here about long-term processes rather than specific events, anarchy in one form or another will be with us for some time, until new political formations arise that provide for the requisite order. And these new political formations need not be necessarily democratic. ...
hawking all sorts of things. You set up your intelligence systems with thesepeople in the communities and in no long a time, you would have vitalinformation required to thwart attacks. This is the way intelligence is done,not the...
While in China, the Rights of the people are maintained, policed and enforced. No wonder the Chinese have a 95% approval rate for their government. The Chinese are hyper-patriotic. But inside the ruined has-been nation of America, the story is quite different. With only a mere 15% of ...
So it started pretty much around the time of the civil war. And I think you’ll see right away how it is different from Romanticism or any other kind of literature. It has a very specific point that makes it unique. And that is that it shows people as they are and gets you to loo...
"There are a few things that happened early on that I made people aware of that I didn't want to see in this league, that I had seen take place in other leagues. Other recruiting tactics, other recruiting practices that are illegal," Bielema said. ...