Treatment may include rest and over-the-counter (OTC) medications such as antihistamines, decongestants, and pain medication to relieve symptoms.3Antiviral medications are sometimes prescribed to treat the flu.4 Anxiety and Stress Mental health conditions, especiallyanxietyandstress, have been linked wi...
Prednisone generally works very quickly —usually within one to four days— if the prescribed dose is adequate to reduce your particular level of inflammation. Some people notice the effects of prednisone hours after taking the first dose. Can you eat eggs while taking prednisone? My advice is t...
What is hydrochloride prescribed for? Betaine hydrochloride is also used to treat abnormally low levels of potassium (hypokalemia), hay fever,“tired blood” (anemia), asthma, “hardening of the arteries” (atherosclerosis), yeast infections, diarrhea, food allergies, gallstones, inner ear infections...
I strongly suspect that they have merely been told that they need oxygen administration without explaining the underlying reason. Generally speaking, most people take for granted that they are alive and have little interest in why or how, unless their health becomes threatened. Obviously, when nasty...
An imbalance in the blood potassium level can cause irregular heartbeat, and must be monitored. Which diuretics are used in heart failure? Diuretics may be taken as pills for early stages of heart failure, but may be administered intravenously for hospitalized patients. People who take diuretics ...
Taking medications as prescribed Quitting smoking Losing weight Avoiding or limiting alcohol Avoiding or limiting caffeine Eating a heart-healthy diet low in fat and sodium and high in fiber (plant-based diets may be helpful for heart patients) Exercising regularly Stress reduction techniques such ...
How are arteriosclerosis and hypertension related to each other? Some sports people take erythropoietin to increase the number of O^{2-} carrying red blood cells in blood. What effect is this going to have on blood? As the body works to maintain an equal flow rate, what happens to blood ...
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So why don’t people get help for mental illness? People are Scared of Mental Illness The number one reason people don’t get help for mental illness is because they are scared. People are scared of their illness and they’re certainly scared of help for that mental illness. Honestly, it...
Along with that, you can also opt for food items which are rich in potassium, zinc, manganese, and iron. This should give your body all the nutrients it needs to fight off any infection. This is why you need to opt for a healthy diet, one that can go a long way to helping you ...