000 unpartnered Americans, I could almost feel her nodding over the phone. “The data is that people are having less sex,” she said, with a hint of mischief. “I’m a Baby Boomer, and apparently in my day we were having
Many of her verbal hints and body language are lost on him. Until, of course, she withholds sex. But even then he might not see the correlation unless she explains it to him. Here are some tips to make your home a safe haven and allow the two of you to focus on whats ...
liberated person wishes they had the strength to do that, but they are too entrenched or “bought in” to the way things are right now to see it as a beautiful thing. So they see it and they hate it. … People have invested a lot of time and a lot of resources into this game...
We hope that leaders of all genders and of all kinds will also benefit from what we have in the book. That’s our first hope. We also want to add to the debate on leadership. We’re hoping our knowledge and research will be additional contributions. We hope to use the book as a ...
Equal rights protections for people of different genders, skin colors, physical abilities, and sexual orientations are just some examples of progress toward greater dignity for all. The time is ripe for dignity. We Can Lead the Way Each of us plays many different roles in life: we are ...
The stress response is often a mix of emotions and physical reactions. Different genders are known to have different responses when it comes to handling stressful situations, but how? According to experts, here’s how men and women handle stress differently. ...
The seating plan is essential in any wedding, as it sets the tone for how people interact. In a gender-appropriate wedding, it is essential to do away with the traditional seating arrangements that segregate people based on gender. Instead, consider mixing guests of all genders and ages togeth...
36% of workers feel there is an unequal mix of ethnicities and genders in their companies. Only 37% of workers think that people with disabilities are equally represented in the workforce. “Employers’ strategies could also benefit from encompassing how to support and champion neurodiversity, such...
But for the past 1500 years, Western culture has largely demanded monogamy. The vast majority of American couples profess it—while, in secret, many people of all genders have affairs, and many men patronize sex workers. During the 19th century, the Mormons embraced polygamy. Eventually, to...
According to this view, if people are living in a place where circumstances are changing and making it more difficult for them to stay here, they need to adapt to those changes, and if they cannot or will not do so, for example by working more, they have to accept that they need to...