Preston asks: Why are rabbits paws lucky? Raccoon penis bones. Vulture heads. Lucky pennies. A vast and eclectic array of amulets, talismans, and charms meant to bring good fortune to their owners have been put to use as long as humans have walked the planet. To the ancient Egyptians, i...
Your money counts – six secrets to create a budget you can stick with Also, there are great professionally made tools out there to really help you with your budget. Check out Counting My Pennies’review of You Need A Budget(YNAB) for example. Any other good links to free help with budg...
Those are just two of the mantras you’ll see hanging in startup offices and incubators across the globe. In the startup world, a failure is considered a learning opportunity, at the least; a feather in the cap of the Founder, at best. We fetishize failure. We normalize it. But as...
Are you tired of dealing with such stiff competition on every property you try to buy? Are you sick of getting outbid on every good deal you're lucky enough to find? Well, guess what… there is very little competition in the world of raw land investing. Most real estate investors have ...
If you are lucky, on occasion Yannick Noah himself hangs out around there and even spontaneously organises little concerts in the evening. Nice to have a drink there and relax after a day at the pool. Occasional more formal events and concerts are organised sometimes and you will inevitably ...
Warrant earn no points for originality on their debut album, but their ironclad songwriting and steadfast commitment to having fun compensate for the myriad cliches onDirty Rotten Filthy Stinking Rich. “32 Pennies,”“Down Boys” and “Big Talk” are effortlessly catchy pop-metal anthems full of...
Tried the pennies, even reluctantly tried a shock collar — didn’t help and I didn’t have the heart. It was quickly becoming a serious problem with the neighbor lady constantly harassing me. And then I got an idea… I had seen a dog with a muzzle on one day, this was not that ...
It has been considered the unofficial nationalflower of Irelandfor centuries. The first evidence of a link between St Patrick and the Shamrock appears in 1675 on the St Patrick’s Coppers or Halfpennies. These appear to show a figure of St Patrick preaching to a crowd while holding a shamroc...
Shorting the real estate market or the stock market over the long-term is a bad move.If anybody decided to short the S&P 500 index their entire life, they'd be considered a buffoon. Yet, people who are against homeownership somehow think it's OK to rent all your life. This logic makes...
Just have to keep grounded and realize how lucky we are to live when and where we do (on a global and history of man scale). Reply rjack October 18, 2012, 8:42 am In Zen Buddhism, there is a vow that goes “Desires are inexhaustible; I vow to put an end to them.” I ...