There are no margin controls. What you have is a choice of two ways of printing: 1. Exactly as the original - same size and position. If the design is very close to the left side, it will probably be cut off because your printer can't print that close to the...
How do I fix the error 9568300 "moduleName is not unique"? How do I resolve dependency version conflicts? Why does the installation fail when the vendor parameters of HSP files in the same App Pack are different? How can two HSPs use each other's components without depending on each...
How do I fix the error 9568300 "moduleName is not unique"? How do I resolve dependency version conflicts? Why does the installation fail when the vendor parameters of HSP files in the same App Pack are different? How can two HSPs use each other's components without depending on each...
: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed !> in c# . Check is object null - What are the options? .Net 4 FileLoadException permissions problem With windows service .NET code to extract data from...
The issue the user is facing is that when opening pdf files from windows search they always open in the browser and not in Adobe Acrobat.If the pdfs are opened from windows explorer they open in the application.If the pdfs are copied to a local folder that is not synchronizing with OneD...
But how did SumatraPDF started in admin mode in the first place? One case is running Everything (a file search app) in admin mode and opening a file in SumatraPDF from Everything. There are many other ways to start a process in admin mode ( useRun as administratorcontext menu, run f...
Ok. That's a different way to do things. But it may also be the problem. Don't open the file in Edge (it uses it's own browser). Right-click the link to the pdf, choose to save it to your computer. Open Adobe Reader (not IE) then use File>Open to open the...
Now, the AxInterop.AcroPDFLib.dll and Interop.AcroPDFLib.dll files are not being copied over when the application is updated. It seems like at some point during an update the application created a new folder to store the application's files and copied everything else, except the these ...
Mozilla actually put some effort in to make its PDF reader decent in Firefox. Not only do you have basic viewing functionality with multiple options for how documents are presented, but you can also make some actual edits. Firefox supports pen, highlighter, and text box tools to add more con...
Even the small amounts of decomposition products of fluoropolymers which occur at bake temperatures may cause discomfort to people in the area if the fumes are not vented to the outdoors and allowed to be diluted by the outside air. Oven Calibration Ovens should be calibrated at least twice ...