Apex predators often havelonger lifespanscompared to other animals in their ecosystem. This longevity allows them to maintain a stable presence within the food chain and exert a consistent influence over their environment. These animals typicallymaintain and defend territories, which can range from vast...
Related rocks can be found as far north as Bellingham, where they are called the Chuckanut formation. The Swauk formation tends to form rounded hills and ridges and the rocks weather into decent soil; exposures are mostly hidden under plentiful trees. Terrace Mountain, visible from Marmot Lake...
Have you noticed that at the same time we are told criminals need tolerance and understanding, and migrants who rape women and children need compassion, the same people saying it are often indifferent about killing mice in labs, wolves in Norway, or Orcas in captivity? The so-called “liberal...
"In terms of threat to humankind, disease and illness are bigger than being attacked by an animal," he said. This might explain why most of us don't find lions and bears repellant—they are covered with the same type of soft fur that coat cuddly toys for children, even if it might ...