I like cats also. But I play on my Yamaha EZ-200 keyboard. Re: Why do pianists like cats so much? Frito#197655710/21/1212:17 AM tonedefreegan Full Member T Joined:Oct 2012 Posts: 45 I loathe cats. That is to say, wild cats - big and small - are glorious, but domestic cats ab...
"Whenwe are overwhelmed, the best strategy is to step back and be mindful of that emotion as much as poosible, see it as a temporary experience, and to turn down the dial on our threat response by soothing our way through it." "Self-soothing is any set of behaviours that help you ...
him to it and left the room by the time I came back he has normally done his business. Makes cloth so much easier if some poos are in the potty. We’ve only being doing it 4 days and I’m auprised about how much success we’ve had. Hopefully all poos will be in the potty ...
'My other single friends are freezing their eggs, but I can't afford to' When Devin Propeck-Silva, a 38-year-old business owner in Portland, Oregon, meets someone new, the introductions follow the same script. 'After they find out I’m married, they ask how many kids I have. (I ...
While most HR-HPV infections are resolved by the host immune system and do not result in any disease, a small fraction of infected individuals have persistent infections that can progress to cancer. All cancers of the ano-genital regions have a high incidence of HR-HPV presence including ...