Why Pepto Bismol Can Turn Your Poop or Tongue Black The active ingredient inPepto Bismolcontains bismuth, and when it combines with the sulfur that is naturally present in your mouth and digestive tract, this cansometimes result in a black tongue or black poop. The amount of sulfur present in...
With the pet camera’s innovative features for pet monitoring, you can keep a close watch on your dog 24/7.Why Is My Dog Suddenly Pooping in the HouseAside from peeing accidents, there are also various causes why dogs may suddenly have poop-y accidents inside the house. Among the ...
Why does my newborn have green poop? Dark green is actually the right color for newborn poop! Meconium – your baby's first poop – is very dark green, looking almost black. It's made up of amniotic fluid, skin cells, lanugo (the fine hair that covered your baby's body), and mucu...
Do wild cats bury their poop? How are the cats that live in your house related to lions and tigers roaming in the wild? We take a walk in the woods with wildlife biologist Emily Carollo. She works with a conservation and research organization called Panthera that’s dedicated to helping ...
Why does cancer cause black poop? Tumors often bleed, and internal bleeding leads to black poop. Tumors in the upper portion of your digestive tract are more likely to cause black poop than those lower down, as the blood gets exposed to digestive juices before it leaves your body. ...
Should I be worried if my poop is watery? Fast facts onloose stools: A loose stool is a term used to describe stools that are more watery and soft than usual. Occasional diarrhea is not usually a cause for concern. Loose stools can have a range of different causes, but most cases are...
Bile — a fat-digesting yellow-green fluid that's secreted by the liver and stored in the gallbladder — can also cause green poop. "As bile pigments travel through your gastrointestinal tract, they are chemically altered by enzymes, changing the pigments from green to brown," gastroenterologist...
Blood in your poop can mean that you have larger polyps. And your doctor may recommend you get acolonoscopy for cancer screeningto make sure that you don’t have polyps that are cancerous or precancerous. But it’s rare that blood in stool means that you have cancer –research showsthat...
Dogs eating rabbit poop is a common and repulsive problem for many pet owners. Learn what causes this behavior and how to prevent it with these easy and helpful tips.
‘Stinky cheese, some poop smells’: See why New Yorkers are flocking to this rare 'corpse flower' It's not a flower you'd likely buy on Valentine's Day but the Brooklyn Botanic Garden's rare amorphophallus gigas plant is in bloom and visitors want a whiff -- even if it does ...