you are an actor in an interactive movie. You go where the dev wants you to go, everything is based around an air tight design. You can't open doors, you can't go back, your squad mates don't move forward until you do, the enemy will keep spawning in until you move forward. It...
Fortunately, the fellow was still tangled up in combat fighting NPCs during my run back, so he didn’t heal up. Just bursted him (or her?) the rest of the way without needing to spend too long working out his attacks and what not. Yet another Ascalonian Captain and 15 Ghosts to kill...
I will give my thoughts on Giddy Park now. I always have liked having a hub, where you can do nearly whatever you want, including customising characters, buying items, completing quests and even more. Hubs are a place where I can chill and relax without always ha...
The other thing that I regularly amuse myself with is the artificial biome project. I guess I just enjoy taming the wilderness by encasing it in easily accessible little bubbles that preserve its habitat for posterity. I don’t even mind the mobs that keep spawning from them, they make lif...