Your lips are among the most touch-sensitive parts of your body. But suddenly, they’ve gone numb and rubbery -- a bit like when yourfootor arm falls to sleep. What gives? If you’ve had yourmouthnumbed at thedentistor doctor's, it's not surprising. But other things can cause you ...
Numbness is a loss of feeling or sensitivity in a part of your body. If you’ve noticed numbness in your fingers, there are a lot of possible causes. Injured or pinched nerves can lead to numb fingers. So can blood flow issues or a range of other medical conditions. The feeling can ...
How I hate being reminded of what I’m missing out on, knowing what all the “norms” out there are being taken for granted. If only they had the slightest inkling of what it’s like. If only you didn’t… Advertisement Do you understand my feeling? Do you dread these days as well...
Now and then it happened in my practice that a patient grew beyond himself because of unknown potentialities, and this became an experience of prime importance to me. In the meantime, I had learned that all the greatest and most important problems of life are fundamentally insoluble. They must...
“How are you feeling right now?” he asked. “I’m fine!” I reflexively answered, perhaps a pitch too high. “Fine doesn’t really give us much information. Close your eyes. What do you feel?” I closed my eyes and realized my body felt lighter than I expected. “This is kind ...
As the queen of compartmentalizing, feeling these emotions bubble over felt irritating and I judged myself for being so dramatic. Emotions are consuming, and there is not time for more consuming things. So, I tell myself to breathe. One task at a time. One thing at a time. It is no...
"I remember feeling numb," Harry writes. "I remember clenching my fists. I remember keeping a fraction of Willy always in the corner of my vision and drawing loads of strength from that. Most of all I remember the sounds, the clinking bridles and clopping...
What are the signs of losing your mind? Symptoms of dissociation: going numb or blank. extreme panic or feeling overwhelmed. disembodied or disconnected from oneself. incessant worrying or screen-playing in your head. dissociative states or detachment from others. ...
And yet, as I shuffled home that night, drained and numb, I didn’t feel like celebrating a success. Because all I could think was, “You were lucky this time. Next time they will realize that you are a fraud for sure. Then game over.” ...
你来这里干什么 Um, what are you doing here? 昨天的见面被迫中断了 所以我 ... Our visit was cut short yesterday, so I just... 现在不是时候 我觉得有点不舒服 Nows not really a good time; Im feeling under the weather. 你想让我替你去药店买 ##药吗 Do you want me to run to the ...