Tender, swollen lymph nodes under your jaw or in your neck. What happens if you ignore tooth pain? Ignoring a Toothache Could Lead toGum Disease Pain, swelling, and bleeding gums are a few of them. In some cases, you may feel as if you're experiencing pain from a tooth. However, the...
“Sometimes, in older dogs, a swollen face on one side can be related to a tooth problem, as the roots of their teeth are very large,” said Dr. Michele.“It would be best to have an appointment with her veterinarian to have a look at it.” “They can give you an idea of what...
If your ear hurts when you pull on your earlobe or push on the tiny flap that closes it, you probably have this outerear infection. You get it when water trapped in your ear canal begins to breed germs. Your ear might get red, swollen, itch, and leak pus. It isn’t contagious. To...
there’s not much tooth left for the crown to “grab on to” when it is finally in place. This is more common in back teeth that have been worn down over years of use and are short.